THATS A WRAP – academic year 2022- 2023


Finally our summer holidays has officially started. To be fair, we have started a day early because two of our four are full of cold, but I’m still celebrating!

This academic year has taken us on such an adventure and we are so thankful for all of your support. One of the reasons we decided to launch Awesome Archie non profit 3 years ago, was because for so many years I felt isolated, lonely and the pressures of being a life long parent carer were to massive for me to comprehend. My own ADHD means that I self doubt and analyse everything I say and do and live in a permanent state of ” I must do better!” ( just to reassure you , this is common in girls with ADHD so I’m used to it!) . I knew that I couldn’t be the only one feeling like this, so we as a family decided to create a safe and welcoming community for people just like me and Arch and support families just like our own πŸ™‚ Through meeting amazing parents, working with lovely schools and the support of the DCF and Autism Unlimited I can honestly say that I no longer feel alone or frightened for the future. I feel part of the coolest club in the world…. the neurodiverse communityπŸ‘ For this I must say a HUGE THANKYOU!

We want to reassure you that although our ” boots on the ground” support has ended for the summer , YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I will be online on ALL of our socials throughout the holiday and our website and email will not be shutting down at any point. The kids and I will continue to share our “Autism adventures” and you are ALL welcome to join us virtually so you can feel part of the fabulously bonkers world of Neurodiversity living…. the good and the not so good πŸ™‚

Lastly, I want to take a moment to publicly thank my family. My Husband ( the kids Dad) goes above and beyond to support us all. He is relentlessly hard working, endlessly supportive and picks up the pieces that I drop when I’m not doing so well. He is always stood behind us, pushing us all forward without fuss or expectation! I don’t often do romantic gestures but here we go…buckets at the ready… I LOVE YOU DUDE! Thanks for being our hero and my bestest mate in the whole wide world.😍 You make what we do and all we have, possible. And to all of our amazing children, we still cant believe you are ours. Thankyou for the chaos, noise, fun, laughter and even the tears. YOU ARE OUR EVERYTHING.

Have a wonderful summer all

Beckie and team Awesome πŸ™‚