Children’s Mental Health Week – Supporting Place2Be

Well hello Awesome Archie fans, we’ve got a lot to get through, so let’s rock!

This week has been absolutely incredible. A couple of months ago, I contacted the children’s mental health charity – Place2Be – and asked them if they would like us to support them in their latest campaign. I was so thrilled when a lovely lady name Chloe contacted me and said that she would not only love our support but she would help us by providing props/etc., Fast forward to this week and we’ve not only managed to raise a little bit of money for this incredible charity but we have also managed to spread a HUGE amount of awareness and have had many conversations about children’s mental health.

We at Awesome Archie non-profit wanted to try and put our money where our mouth is and show people that sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone can not only be exciting, but beneficial to your self confidence. We did this by Archie dressing me for the entire week and me going about my day-to-day business in whatever he told me to wear. I don’t mind telling you that having to arrange EHCP meetings dressed as Super Mario or delivering a spelling test as a leopard was definitely a new one on me! I will say that it has really helped me and I have had a super positive week.

Special thanks must go to William Gilpin school for allowing me to disrupt their school week in support of children’s mental health, to every child that donated a bit of their pocket money and to my own children who had the embarrassing task of videoing and photographing the silliness as evidence of the work we were doing.

Please feel free to donate to our JustGiving page. The work that Place2Be do is phenomenal and we would love to be able to give them as much money as possible.