New Year, New collaborations and a whopping donation :)

Happy new year to you all. I really hope that you have all had a peaceful Christmas period and feel even just a little bit fresher for having a rest ๐Ÿ™‚

Lots to get through his week, so lets go!

This new year, we have started as we mean to go on. With a renewed enthusiasm to support the kids, families and schools who love and/or support those with neurological differences. Having Archie (all those years ago) made us realise just how overwhelming the task of raising a child (especially with differences) can be, how long the road is and how every inch of progress seems to come after a marathon of fight. We promise you now, that we will do all we can to support you on this journey and we are privileged to do so.

New Collaboration.

Awesome Archie has been affiliated with the DCF for around 18 months now. It is something for which Archie and I are most proud. The Dorset Children’s Foundation support so many families with disabled children and being linked so closely to them has certainly taught us a great deal. Thankyou Patsy and the team for everything you do to support us!

We are also delighted to announce that we now have another incredible charity to collaborate with. The brilliant Autism Unlimited!

On Wednesday I was privileged to be invited to a “vision” meeting with Emily Griffiths (the marketing manager for Autism Unlimited), Mark Arnold (additional needs ministry director of Urban Saints) and Debra Goatly-Birch (artist and community project coordinator). We met to discuss the 2023 Autism Unlimited campaign and what we felt would be helpful within the ASD community to give the rest of the world a greater sense of what neurodiversity really is!

To say that I felt humbled and EXTREMELY lucky to be in a meeting with such an inspiring group of people would be an understatement! It was just so wonderful to talk about the strengths, the challenges and what we can all do to get the message of ASD understanding out to the neurotypical world.

We are currently working together to get this amazing new campaign ready for launch in March 2023. Exciting times ahead! THANKYOU AUTISM UNLIMITED!

Whopping Donation time!


Today the Awesome Archie team headed down to the DCF’s Treehouse with a literal “van full” of goodies that you have all donated over this week. Yep, you heard right, JUST THIS WEEK?! THATS HOW AWESOME YOU ALL ARE!!!!!

We greatly appreciate everyone’s support but I feel I must make a couple of individual thanks also.

Becci Price – Proud ASD advocate who drove down from Basingstoke to donate a boot FULL of games and toys, most of which were brand new. To her son James, for being so kind and aware of the need for this. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Katheryn Avery – Proud ASD parent carer who spent her week gathering children’s clothes for us to collect. YOU ARE AWESOME!

The Winters family – Proud ASD parents (adult son) who sold cakes and gave us the proceeds that bought more sensory lamps and toys for the kids Awesome Archie supports. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

In short, if the rest of the year is as great as this one week… YOWSERS!!!!!

Thankyou all and have a great week!

Rebecca Clapcott

Founder Awesome Archie non profit.