A diagnosis or neurological difference doesn’t ever need to stop you!

When Archie was in mainstream education he was unhappy a lot of the time. Needless to say, this had a tremendously negative effect on his ability to process the information taught.

We all know that only happy kids learn. If they are overwhelmed with worry, sadness, loneliness etc, they cant possibly find the brain space to fit in long division. When you think of it logically, it makes so much sense. What on earth is the point of learning your times tables if you hate yourself, are afraid of life and just feel like you don’t fit in?

This is the very reason that I go to mainstream schools to support ASD kids. If having that tiny bit of fun injected into the school day can get a child back on track then that’s AWESOME!

Now that Archie is blessed enough to be in specialist provision the challenges are a little different. He is happy, confident, more communicative verbally and we no longer self harm. We do have to focus on learning from home a little more though…..which we LOVE.

Archie may not get his GSCE’s. We don’t know if the pressures of a test environment will cause him too much distress so we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. We are however encourage by his tutor to immerse ourselves in his favourite subjects.

Many successful people in life had terrible exam results and this is something that we share with all of our kids.

So, with this in mind we bought Archie an online diploma course. Archie was able to sit in his own home, learn at his own pace and in his own way. We are proud to announce that he is now the proud owner of a Feline behaviour and psychology Diploma. He passed with a rate of 96% and received a distinction ๐Ÿ™‚

NEVER GIVE UP! Find your passion and RUN WITH IT!