Neurodiversity Week is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting understanding of neurodiversity and neurogivergency.
Neurodiversity is all of us, our brains are all different. We have different tastes in food, love of music and preferred celebs … Ant or Dec? ” (Mines Dec BTW 😉 ) Our brains may all look similar, but each one has varying areas of strengths and interests, thankfully that’s why we are all different.
Neurodivergency refers to the people with further variations in brain function and cognition such as the awesome autistic community, those with ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other neurological differences. ALL should be recognised, celebrated and respected as part of our amazing human diversity!
We are forever fighting the fact that, so often, these AWESOME differences are still regularly viewed as disorders or deficits. This means that many parents may be afraid to acknowledge the signs or may feel too overwhelmed or intimidated to go down “that” path.
Mainstream schools often regard the number of kids with an EHCP as a problem to address, not realising the ENORMOUS potential these kids have, if only they received the correct support!
The goal of Neurodiversity Week is to highlight the strengths and unique perspectives of all brain types, but particularly focusing on neurodivergent individuals, reduce stigma, and foster inclusion in all areas of society including education, the workplace, and beyond. It’s a time to educate people about the importance of embracing ALL ways of thinking, learning, and processing information, and to support a more inclusive environment for those who are neurodivergent.
This is what we do here at Awesome Archie. With two of our four beautiful children being neurodivergent , and me having a late awakening to my own neurodivergency… it’s our privilege to do what we do!
One of the main issues of true inclusivity in mainstream schools is the appalling lack of funding and up to date training. One “what is autism?” training session every couple of years is nowhere near enough. We spend hours every day reading, researching, checking the DofE SEND updates, listening to podcasts (thanks to the SENDcast) and STILL have trouble keeping up to date with terminology, guidance and rule changes. However, we are trying and that’s all we ask of school staff.
Sadly, there is nothing we can do to correct the financial deficits that so many schools face, but we CAN support you with up to date training and the use of our visuals FOR FREE!!!!
We are based in the south of England and all of our “in person” training sessions are fully booked up until March 2026! However, we happily share online content for you to use in your twilight sessions or just send to staff members for them to watch at their own pace.
(By the way, all of our in person training is free but we do have to charge for travel expenses if heading further than Southampton to make this viable.)
With all that being said, we have spent the week creating more visual tools to use in school or at home and have added them to our resource bank. Simply screen shot or right click on the image and select download . Here are just a couple, pop up to our “Visuals” tab for more 🙂

We hope that by sharing this information, you will feel empowered to, not only support your wonderful neurodivergent students, but to advocate for their needs and rights as well!
Do feel free to drop us an email for more info 🙂
Fun at The PicklePad!

Brace yourself, I did a sport and LOVED IT!!!!!
OK, I realise that this may sound ridiculous, but for anyone that knows me well, you will know that I have always found sporting activities very overwhelming. Not only being neurodivergent but also having been 8 stone heavier in my past, sport has only ever terrified me. This is one of the many reasons we love working with Dan Moody (School Sport Partnership Manager & School Games Organiser) as we are able to share our insights as to why we think many kids find sport so tough. The PicklePad is one of our latest recommendations!
In January the ENORMOUS PicklePad opened. It is the first hybrid model for both pickle ball and padel, not only in the UK, but the whole of Europe!! I was lucky enough to have my first go at padel, and I LOVED it!;
Padel is a mix of tennis, squash and badminton.
It is played on a small, enclosed court.
It is a cross between tennis and squash where the ball can bounce off the glass wall or metallic mesh that surrounds the court.
It is always played in doubles.
You play with a paddle. Padel is known for being fun, fast-paced, and sociable.

We have created some content showing you just how much fun it was and we would highly recommend you having a go. There was a real sense of community and, where else can you have some sporting fun followed by a fresh hot pie a massive glass of wine and great company?!
Thanks so much for allowing us to come and share this AWESOME space with you 🙂
Time to Reflect.
This week we said goodbye to one of our amazing family members, uncle Al.
Ally was so much more than an uncle for my husband and his sister. They lost their father suddenly when they were really young and Ally stepped in as their father figure and then, of course, grandfather figure. What a job he did and we are so sad that he’s no longer with us.
His amazing example prompted me to think about the parenting role itself, how extended parent/support figures are SO vital, particularly with neurodivergent families.
Parent/carers often face unique challenges that are emotionally, physically, and financially demanding. This is why family support is VITAL. As parents Ian and I have always relied on each other and our family members to help us get through what can be a very overwhelming parenting journey.
Caring for a loved one with additional needs can be emotionally exhausting. We so often experience stress, anxiety and even depression due to the demands of care-giving. Having a supportive family network provides a safe space for us to express our emotions, seek advice, and simply take a break when needed. It helps alleviate our feelings of isolation, which is common when so often we feel that others may not understand our personal struggles.
So, we dedicate this blog to “Ally Ally” with thanks and love. A 6ft 4in gentle giant who NEVER had a bad word to say about anyone. The man who helped my husband to be a remarkable father and a wonderful example to our children. You are forever loved and are greatly missed x