I have to be honest, this weeks blog update is being written by the power of coffee alone!! I am utterly exhausted but joyful about the truly amazing week of celebration that we have had.
Later in this post I will share some of the reality of living in the big wild world when your beautiful autistic brain faces so many challenges, but for now… we celebrate!
Twyhnam senior school have hosted us for the last 3 neurodiversity weeks but this year we ramped it up by hosting not one, but 2 assemblies 🙂
We spoke about the incredible brain and how none of us could live without it. We reminded the kids to keep a check on their mental health and how kindness is key but, we also hit them with some harsh reality. How trolling and ablism is a daily occurrence as a content creator and the impact that can have. (To clarify, Archie is never permitted to see ANY of our work comments so he is unaffected 🙂 )
We spoke to almost 600 students (over 2 days) and they were kind, respectful and listened beautifully. Thankyou Twynham for having us back and you are in the diary for next year… with excitement.
Reasonable adjustments and support for the Coaching Circle.
Dan Moody – School Sport Partnership Manager & School Games Organiser, contacted us to see if we would like to lead another “coaching circle” session and we, of course, said yes!
Via a teams meeting, we spoke about the potential challenges faced by neurodivergent students taking part in PE or sporting events. With Archie’s willingness to share his past experiences, we were able to create some information slides that have been emailed to all participants. MASSIVE thanks to Dan for giving us this opportunity and we can’t wait to hear all about the results in our next meeting 🙂
Archie’s work experience week
Now you KNOW that we are all about sharing the highs and the lows, and this week was ENORMOUSLY challenging for Archie. It was his work experience week and sadly , it didn’t go quite as planned.
Archie has a love of animals with a particular fondness for cats and small dogs. At just 13 he gained a diploma in feline behaviour and wellness so it’s been a theme for a while. However, Archie, like so many autistic people, struggles with often debilitating anxiety. Sadly for him this week, his anxiety took over and he was unable to continue his work experience. After experiencing multiple anxiety attacks, it was decided by all that this just wasn’t the right time for Arch to continue .
As his Mum I want to say an ENORMOUS thanks to The Winchelsea team for recognising Archie’s needs so perfectly and to Noarck, the boarding kennels that gave Archie such a wonderful opportunity. It didn’t work out as we’d hoped but we are so proud of what he achieved in the process.
Archie helped groom a husky, played with cats (even the spicy ones) and our proudest achievement… HE EXPRESSED HIS FEELINGS AND EXPLAINED THAT HE FELT UNWELL!!!!! We are SO PROUD of you Archie.
To end this post – we hope to remind you that inclusion is not about perfection.
There is no such thing.
Endlessly chasing perfection can only end in a feeling of failure and who needs that?! It’s about celebrating and recognising progress, no matter how small. It’s about having an open mind and showing empathy… even when life throws in a curve ball. It’s your loved ones or students knowing that you have their back! So go forth and be a loud and proud advocate for neurodivergncy… you could change a life!!!